Andoni Zamoras´ practice is performance-based and circles around the hybridization of linear and circular perception of time and space and the processes of its representation and simulation thereof. His works imitate and reproduce realities with the aim to unmask and deviate from the conventions of the culture from the place he produces each work. He makes use of the tools of classic fiction productions and inserts new narratives into specific contexts of reality. The audience is a key factor in his pieces, both visitors and random strangers, often incorporating them as an active role to the work. He tries to direct the perception of the public by making them move and discover the piece and the qualities of the chosen location from different positions. He reveals the very structure of his projects, twisting the limits of what has been staged and showing boldly or hiding the different layers of fiction that are displayed in the piece.
His research dives into the spaces where the limits of the virtuality and fiction are particularly withdrawn. He is interested in finding unconventional spaces of representation of society and culture, from recreational parks to simulation training camps, and he sets the eye on them that mirrors the paradigms of the contemporary culture.