Gray Dweller

NL / 2020
From Group Exhibition WALKS

  GRAY DWELLER is a quest which took place in a pocket underneath a rail bridge, in which incredible ecology can be found at the edge of the city. The interface for the quest were the phones of people engaging with the work, to which images, instructions, and videos were messaged at various intervals. This positioned the audience as an actual character in a fiction, rather than a mere participant. By creating the conditions under which the space could be discovered – by placing actors there, without the knowledge of the audience of their participation – I was able to direct even the feelings of safety that the work invokes. In the quest, references can be found to rave culture, strange ecologies, murder, and other such anomalies that happen in the grey areas of city edges. As such, it presents these spaces as having no clear governance, but also incredible potential for strange and exciting encounters.

_edited text from the feedback by Lua Vollard
